Storytime Livestream 2025-03-02: The Neverending Story Continues
Well, what would The Neverending Story do, other than continue? We’ll start with Chapter 2, having read the introduction and Chapter 1 last week. Messengers from all over Fantastica have been journeying to the Ivory Tower to bring to the Childlike Empress dire news: a catastrophe known as the Nothing is destroying Fantastica, eating away its places and people. Unfortunately, upon arriving, the messengers have learned disheartening news: the Childlike Empress is ill. Could these events be connected? What will Fantastica do?
As many of you may be aware, the USA will begin Daylight Saving Time next Sunday, the second Sunday in March, but across the Atlantic, the UK and Europe will switch to BST/WEST on the last Sunday in March. So starting next Sunday (not this one) we’re going to have three weeks of storytime that’s at a strange time for our friends across the pond. We’re springing forward here from GMT – 5 to GMT – 4, meaning that early storytime will be at 15:00 GMT instead of 16:00 GMT (and late storytime will be at 02:00 instead of 03:00, though it’s rare that the folks overseas come to that one because it’s in the middle of the night). So, until folks spring forward over there, storytime will be an hour earlier. But again, this doesn’t happen until next week.
The “Early” Stream for our friends in the UK, Europe, etc.:
11 a.m. EST / 8 a.m. PST / 4 p.m. GMT/WET
The “Late” Stream for our friends in the USA, Canada, etc.:
10 p.m. EST / 7 p.m. PST / 3 a.m. (the next day) GMT/WET
View the Stream (if it isn’t one of the above times, nobody may be there)