The “Hoosier High Chair” South Central Indiana AB/DL Munch is a monthly meet and greet for Indiana-area AB/DLs! Check out our Fetlife group (you must have an account, but signing up for one is free) for discussion and announcements, including this month’s location.
You are not alone! Meet other AB/DLs monthly!
The munch is on the third Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Next munch: April 19, 2025
In the past, AB/DL parties and other gatherings were scarce here in Indiana. The reason was that we Indiana AB/DLs didn’t talk to each other much; nobody knew anybody else. My idea: Let’s meet at a restaurant once a month, just to talk. It would, I hoped, form a baseline of social contact so that with any luck, other interactions could form — parties, other gatherings, maybe relationships. And since it began it seems to be working — some parties and other events have happened. Let’s work toward having more in the future!
Date: 3rd Saturday of each month
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Varies
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What’s a “Munch?”
A: A “Munch” is a tradition from the BDSM (bondage, SM, kink, etc.) community, though it doesn’t have anything to do with BDSM in itself. It’s just a casual meeting at a restaurant or other public venue for food and discussion. Everybody pays his/her own way, and discussion is open to any and all topics. The first ones were held at hamburger joints and were called “Burgermunches,” but they became just “Munches” when people started having them at other types of restaurants.
History lesson aside, this is basically an opportunity for AB/DL folks and interested parties in the Indiana area to get together, meet each other, talk, trade addresses, emails and phone numbers, and (I hope) plan other types of events. There needs to be a “baseline” social gathering point for us, and I’m hoping this can be it.
Q: Who is invited to this event?
A: Adult babies, diaper lovers, infantilists, diaper fetishists, littles, babyfurs, people who love them, people who are interested in the subject — basically anybody who is interested enough to come and doesn’t judge.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: It’s free. That is, I’m not charging anybody a cent. Incredible, isn’t it? An AB event that doesn’t charge any money. I’m not making any money from this; I’m organizing it to help AB/DLs in the area meet each other, and because I want to meet them too.
You pay for your own food and beverages, but it’s up to you whether you want to eat, or just have a drink, or just sit and talk. I expect (and I think most restaurants expect this too for any given group) that some people will eat, some will just get drinks, and some will get neither. So if you’re strapped for cash, you can come to this event and meet people, and the only money you’ll spend is for gas. Not that gas is super cheap lately, but if you’re looking to carpool, why not post to the group and ask whether anybody’s coming from your area?
Q: How do I get to the restaurant?
The best way to find out is to go to the group, where there will be a sticky post at the top containing a link to the event. That in turn will have a link to Google Maps, which can give you directions from wherever you are straight to the exact restaurant where the Munch is being held this month.
Q: I’m nervous about meeting in a public place. Why are you having this in a restaurant instead of at someone’s home?
A: Mostly because that would mean cleaning the house and possibly cooking. 8:-) It would also impose on my wife. I don’t want to do it, and I don’t want to impose on somebody else, especially not on a monthly basis. This is not to say that there might not be parties or get-togethers at other times.
But also, meeting in public seems to feel safer to more people than meeting in a private residence. After all, have you met the host before? Do you trust the host? I could be a psycho axe murderer for all you know. Or I might be some crazy guy who wants to post videos of you on YouTube. Basically I’m doing it this way because I hope it will help more people feel more comfortable. A lot less bad stuff can happen in public, and if you don’t feel comfortable, it’s much easier to just walk away. My hope is that meetings or parties can happen later, by invitation, among people who have become comfortable with and trusting of each other.
Q: Can I wear diapers to the Munch?
A: Of course. Many of us (myself included) often wear diapers covertly under street clothes, without anybody ever noticing. Most people don’t even consider the possibility that an adult might be in diapers. As for what to wear over the diapers, I would suggest wearing the same sort of clothing you might wear to any basic restaurant. To be blunt, I don’t suggest wearing any obvious baby clothes. I want as many people to feel as comfortable attending as possible, and also I don’t want you to get thrown out by the restaurant staff, over whom I have no control. However, adults have been known to wear Sesame Street sweatshirts, for example.
Q: Sounds like the event will look just like a bunch of people at a table. How will I recognize the group?

A: My pink plush bunny rabbit, Linda, has become the munch’s “mascot,” in a way. If you see a table with a pink plush bunny on it, that’s us. Keep in mind that I don’t look much like a Jennie, not being female in real life. I usually try to wear my Littles and Baby Pride Pin. I don’t want to put up a sign saying “AB/DL MUNCH” because I worry about that making some of us uncomfortable. I will understand if you come up to me and squint at my pin. 8:-)
Q: Can I bring things to show or even sell to the Munch?
A: Yes, but please try to keep others’ comfort level in mind. Someone who is worried about others knowing they’re an AB/DL might be quite uncomfortable if someone at the same table was showing off a pacifier in such a way that people at other tables might see it. And showing diapers could give the restaurant staff the excuse to throw us out for health reasons. Showing around brochures or pictures, however, can’t hurt much. And if you have something to sell, maybe you can leave the actual item in your car and bring pictures or literature into the restaurant to show people. Be discreet about showing AB/DL items, and everyone will probably be OK.
Q: Are there ever parties?
A: Sometimes. I’ve been to parties that took place at hotels and at people’s private homes. These were, however, by invitation only. I didn’t host them, but I think it’s understandable that the host would want to have met the people who will be coming into his/her home, or will be chipping in for the hotel bill. This means that if you want to be considered for invitation to a party, you have to meet the people who might be hosting them — and one good way to do that is to come to Munches whenever you can. That’s one of the reasons why I host this gathering, in fact — so people can meet each other, so that things like parties and other fun events can happen. Without the Munch and things like it, events like that couldn’t happen at all.
Q: Why don’t we have (event) next time instead of the Munch?
A: I don’t want there to be a by-invitation event instead of the Munch, because I think there should be (at least) one AB/DL/etc. event per month that everyone is invited to. And even if it’s not by-invitation, I don’t want to have some other event at the same time that the Munch normally is, because there might be some who don’t get the message and show up at the restaurant at the regular date and time, expecting there to be a Munch. Besides, replacing the Munch with some other event would mean that there would be the same number of AB/DL/etc. events that month, instead of there being an extra event — I think there should be extra fun! This is not to say that we couldn’t (for example) go from the Munch to a movie or some other fun activity right afterward, though (and this has happened). I will always come to the Munch knowing what movies are playing at the nearby movie theater!
Q: I have another question that isn’t covered by this FAQ. How do I get it answered, or added to the FAQ?
A: Send it to me at . I’ll respond to you in person, and if I think it’s a common enough question I’ll add it to this list.